Friday, January 3, 2014

Vestry Leadership: Is It For You?

Saint Anne Needs YOU!

LEADERSHIP: Someone’s gotta do it.  The vestry is the governing lay board of the church. I won’t lie to you -- it’s work, and our vestry members give hours and hours throughout the year to meet and pray, dream and vision, call and cajole, and even roll up their sleeves to do much of the work in and around Saint Anne’s.  Have you thanked a vestry member lately? (You will find their names on the back of the Sunday worship bulletin.) Have you considered that they, too, lead busy lives and somehow manage to make church leadership a priority?

It’s work, but it’s also fun and rewarding.  And here’s the thing. We need vestry members. Not just anybody, but people who love Saint Anne’s and who want us to thrive.  People with ideas and follow-through.  People who have tried to follow Jesus and people who have failed.  People who will make God’s mission through Saint Anne’s a priority and will give their time, talent, and treasure to be part of the exciting mission we are on.

Vestry members are elected in January at the Annual Meeting, to serve a 3-year term. Each vestry member chooses an area of church life to focus on.  Vestry members recruit and encourage others to join in carrying out the tasks and programs involved in their ministry area.

Qualifications include but are not limited to:
  • Must have been a member of Saint Anne’s for at least a year
  • Be regular in attendance on Sundays and other events
  • Be at least 16 years old; no upper age limit
  • Commit to attending 1 vestry meeting per month (2nd Tuesdays, 7-9 PM) and other work in between meetings
  • Have access to a computer for communication between meetings
  • Be able to drive at night, for meetings
  • Be passionate about at least one area of ministry/church life, and be willing to gather others to work in this area
  • Be a person who already works, prays, and gives for the spread of God’s kingdom (Book of Common Prayer p. 856)

We are in the midst of an exciting time at Saint Anne’s. Our pledges have come in stronger than ever.  We are welcoming over 20 new members.  We have an excellent staff and meaningful programs. We have money in the bank, and enthusiasm for moving forward with capital improvement. There will be fundraising and planning and lots of prayer as we discern how to make our “Outward and Visible Sign” more congruent with our “Inner and Spiritual Grace.” WE NEED LEADERS OF VISION AND COMMITMENT!!

If you know someone -- even maybe yourself -- who meets these qualifications, I URGE YOU to speak with me or one of the wardens.  If you have already been asked but have said “No,” I URGE YOU to reconsider.  If you have not been asked yet, please don’t be shy.  Your name has probably been put forward but our nominating process is a little broken.  The church requires and depends on the leadership of its members. 

Prayerfully, Lydia +